2 Days Yes, you need to wear a special band for 2 days after having your first wash, which means you need to wear the famous black band on day 2 and day 3.
7 Days You should avoid sweating for 7 days after the hair transplant operation. Sweating on the first days after a hair transplant can jeopardize your transplanted grafts.
1 Month Sun exposure harms transplanted hair and you should wait for 30 days (1 month) before having your scalp exposed to the sun. You need to cover your hair before this time.
10-15 Days Shedding of the transplanted hair and the shock loss of your native hair are expected to start 10-15 days after the hair restoration surgery until 90 days (3 months) after the operation.
9-12 Months Your donor area starts healing right after the surgery, however, in some cases of huge harvesting, it can take 9-12 months to have your donor area totally recovered.
3 Months Your transplanted hair starts its growth 3 months after your operation. However, you should be patient to see the final results, which start to appear 12 to 15 months after the surgery.
10 Days You should wait for 10 days to get back to your normal sexual life. Sexual intercourse harms your transplanted hair grafts, so you need to be patient.
1 Month You can restart heavy physical activities 30 days (1 month) after your hair transplant surgery. Even though you can start walking 7 days after your hair transplant, doing heavy sports needs more patience. Avoid heavy training and intense...
7 Days You can start taking short walks (like going shopping) 7 days after your hair transplant. Make sure you won’t take long walks and try to take walks indoors or in the evenings.
3 Days You can get back to your social life 3 days after a hair transplant. You need to rest for 3 days, then you can get back to work and daily life without any problems.